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Smart City Global Technology & Investment Summit

June 27-28 2018, Algiers

Creating the smart cities of the future

  • 4000+
  • 200+
  • 50+
  • 60+
  • 30+

Startup Challenge and Hackathon

The Algiers Smart City Summit (smartcityalgiers.com) will be focused on positioning a new thesis for the development of new technology ecosystems. Within that context, two key events will be organised: a global Smart City Hackathon and a global Smart City Startup Challenge. The events will run concurrent with the smart city conference and will be primarily hosted at the Algiers City tech hub and experimental lab.

Please visit the websites for further information on the Startup Challenge and the Smart City Hackathon. Registration for the Startup Challenge and the Hackathon is now open. 

For further information and an introduction to the Startup Competition and Hackathon. Please visit the Facebook page.