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Smart City Global Technology & Investment Summit

June 27-28 2018, Algiers

Creating the smart cities of the future

  • 4000+
  • 200+
  • 50+
  • 60+
  • 30+

2018 Speaker Lineup | Over 150 Speakers announced

TMT Finance

speaker Shervin Bakhtiari

Shervin Bakhtiari
TMT Innovation, Business, & Investment Consultant & Advisor, China

Speaker Profile

Shervin has 20+ years’ experience spanning various TMT senior technical and business roles, leading emerging technology innovation, development and adoption with extensive international work and project experience in Silicon Valley, Canada, Middle East, and Asia Pacific/China with Fortune 500 and startups. He has been involved in the full innovation life cycle from strategy, development, deployment, sales & business development, strategic partnerships, and Investment/M&A across telecoms, DC/Cloud, digital media, digital health, and Fintech verticals. He is active in startup innovation advisory, growth, and venture investments. Shervin has held senior positions at both startups and fortune 500 companies: Dialogic, iMediHome, Actel Consulting, eMotive Communications, Avaya, Ubiquity Software, Cisco Systems, & Brooks Automation/Samsung Electronics JV. He holds both a Bachelors and Masters of Engineering from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada and various post-grad certificates.

Speaker Sessions


Day 2 – Diaspora Models – Talent Mobilisation
09:25 – 09:40

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