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Smart City Global Technology & Investment Summit

June 27-28 2018, Algiers

Creating the smart cities of the future

  • 4000+
  • 200+
  • 50+
  • 60+
  • 30+

2018 Speaker Lineup | Over 150 Speakers announced

TMT Finance

speaker Boris Mann

Boris Mann
Managing Director, Frontier Foundry

Speaker Profile

Boris has been building tech startups and early stage venture funding models for 15 years. He has a technical background that spans telecom, web publishing, open source, and blockchain technologies.

He started his tech career as a founder focused on the first wave of open source, building the first commercial Drupal company. Boris transitioned to a focus on venture, founding the first Canadian startup accelerator, Bootup Labs. He is the founder of Open Angel in Vancouver, and volunteers for the Canada-wide National Angel Capital Organization. Boris holds a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Victoria.

Boris is currently building Frontier Foundry, a collective focused on blockchain and decentralized web technology that is global in nature, including exploring models for community based funding and sustainability, smart cities, and talent mobility.

Speaker Sessions

Keynote Speech – Talent City

Day 2 – Leadership Summit
Stream A – 14.30 – 14.45

Smart Cities: Panel Debate – Comparing Smart City Models

Day 2 – Leadership Summit
Stream A – 14.45 – 15.30

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